
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shrug Your Shoulders

Last evening my Hubby and I went out. We had a really nice time. I decided to wear a shrug that I had created from a sweater that was thrifted quite some time ago. It is an old Navy striped sweater that I recycled. Thought that I would share it with you.

This was such an easy project. Materials are a sweater, a pair of scissors and a sewing machine. Really a sewing machine may not even be required depending on the sweater type. My sweater was 100% wool and did not require sewing. I could have done a lettuce edging by sewing a zig zag stitch around the raw edge…but I chose not to. I think it looks good with the raw edge exposed. Anyway, this is a super easy project and is a great way to keep your shoulders warm. Give it a try….find a great sweater and create something new to wear.

Much Love,


Milady Leela

***jewelry designs by Milady Leela...Please visit the Milady Leela Shoppe for one of a kind jewelry pieces and accessories.

P.S. Be sure to check out The Sidewinder Band….!/pages/The-Sidewinder-Band/114584048583044

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Over The Rainbow

Life has been so crazy busy lately and a bit disheartening. I have been struggling with some issues. I know that there is something great over the rainbow…with just a sprinkling of faery dust... and a dose of music, bliss will find me!

So sorry that I have not been posting for Whimsy Wednesday…as said, life has been crazy busy lately. I hope to get back to that soon. Be on the lookout. Also, plans for more treasures soon in the Milady Leela Shoppe. Come visit me there….it is always greatly appreciated.

In closing, my wish for you is to remember to

It is of the utmost importance to your happiness! Do not deny yourself…you deserve to be happy as life is too short. Enjoy it while you can.

Much Love,


Milady Leela

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Celebration

We celebrated a milestone this week!!!!!! Justin’s 21st Birthday!!!!

Lots of fun and most memorable! Happy time had by all!!!!

Much Love,


Milady Leela

***Still missing our sweet little cat. It was nice to have a celebration this week to take our minds off of missing her.

I will try to post a Whimsy Wednesday this week...sorry loves for missing last week but I am sure it was understood.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Milady Leela

My precious Leela passed away on January 4th. She was 15 years old. Her passing was just due to old age..In the circle of life, her circle became complete on that day. She had not been sick; it was simply that her little heart decided it was time to stop beating. On this earth, she brought such joy to me and my family. She was the most loving and giving cat that I have ever known. She truly had a human soul and could feel when she was needed. She was always there to give her tender affection. My life will never be the same without her. Leela touched my heart and my soul with an infinite depth that I cannot even explain. Now more than ever, I am glad that I chose to name my Shoppe after such a special friend. Milady Leela, she will always remain with me…in my heart and in my mind.

Much Love,


Milady Leela

***Remember that it is always important to take time to smell the flowers.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Did Promise

Well, I did promise Christmas pictures. We had such a lovely day. It was Summer’s first Christmas and we think that she had a nice time. New Year’s has already come and gone…It is hard to believe that it is already 2011. I hope that this year brings many blessings…I plan on doing my best to make it a great year! I found this quote in January/February edition of Victoria magazine and wanted to share it.

I no longer make goals that stretch far into the future, but try to achieve, to learn to wonder and to keep gratitude in my heart for each tender mercy...and I plant tulips in autumn with the hope that when spring comes, I will be here to see them bloom.~~Jenni Farnes

I think it says a lot. I also wanted to share what I wrote as my wishes last year for the New Year…

1) We can all find that quiet bit of peacefulness that surrounds us on Christmas Eve. To be able hold that feeling always and share that love with everyone and everything around us.
2) I wish that my husband has many healthy years ahead as he has been through so much in this life and that he has the ability to enjoy them.
3) I wish that all of my family and friends have many healthy and happy years ahead as this life can be truly beautiful!
4) I wish to be given the strength that I need when times are difficult and know how to handle the difficulties.
5) I wish to continue to be able to see the beauty around me and in things as I do even when things seem ugly.
6) I wish for my own good health so that I may be able to take care of those that I love.
7) I wish for my family and friends to be able to feel my love not by my words but through my actions.
8) I wish to continue to be blessed with the gift of creativity both musically and artistically so that it may help me to give to others and make them happy.
8) I wish for all people to find the beauty within themselves.

~~Dena K. Miller

As we move forward into this New Year, I send you wishes for love, peace, patience, serenity and wisdom.

Much Love,


Milady Leela