
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Welcome To The Mad Hatter Tea Party

The Wizard and the Dragon have come to the Enchanted Castle to alert us that The Mad Tea Party is about to begin.
.....Mr. Jackson is waiting by the door to be led into all the festivities.

There have been so many cards and notes sent in regard to this magical event.

The herbs and rose petals to be used in making a special potion and brew have been dried and lovingly preserved just for today.

A collection of tea pots, tea cups and sugar bowls have been presented for us to use.

....and yummy lemon blueberry cupcakes are ready to be eaten. Be careful, not to eat or drink too much. You would not want to get a tummy ache.

The little Maya Indian Dolls have come all the way from Guatemala to attend this party….oh I am so happy that they have traveled so far to enjoy the enchantment…

Of course, the Frog Prince …he would not miss it for the world!

Mrs. Rabbit has joined us too...What a lovely Tea party this is!
I hope you are enjoying your visit.

Midi and Zoey are so happy that you were able to stop by for the Tea Party. seems that it is time to go....It has been magical .
Sweet kisses...hope to see you next time.

Much Love,
Milady Leela

P.S. Stop by and Visit Miss Vanessa @
....where the Madness continues.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I put this video together as a gift for my Dad. He just loves this in honor of Father's Day....Dad, This is for you.
Thank you for all you have taught me and given to me. Your strength and quiet gentleness has touch my heart and helped to shape me into the woman I have become.
I love you.

This is a picture I took of my daughter and my cute. I just thought I would share.

I hope that all of you are able to spend this day with your honor and treasure him...and for those of you who can not be with him, keep him in your thoughts, treasure all that you have done with him and have learned from him.

Much love,
Milady Leela

Saturday, June 18, 2011

It Will Be Simply Mad!

On week from today!!!!!!! I have lot's to do and preparations Galore!!! I hope you will join me for a fabulous time! Please visit my Etsy Shoppe as I have featured some Mad Tea Party inspired treasures. You can see them here:

Will be posting again soon.
Much Love,


Milady Leela

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Band and As Promised

A few weeks ago The Band volunteered to perform at the Pittsburgh Marathon. As a thank you from the Sponsors and The City Of Pittsburgh, all who participated as volunteers were invited to a Party and also given tickets to attend the Pittsburgh Pirates game that evening. I have been promising the pictures and finally have posted them for you to see.

A few members of the Band were not able to make it but of those of us that did...we had a fantastic time. We do have a beautiful City I must say!

On another note, I am still trying to learn all the new things on my laptop that have been installed. Everything has been updated, which is great but I have so much to learn and it is frustrating. It will get easier as I continue to learn by trial and error. Although I am so grateful that I have my laptop back...

Hope to post again soon... I have another nail look to share. Until then...
Much Love,


Milady Leela

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Jar Full Of Petals

I have been collecting roses from my garden for a while now and have been drying them to create a lovely scented potpourri for my Shoppe. Of course, I will have to save some for myself. I have a weakness for potpourri. I think it is so beautiful, so natural and is amazing for the scent it evokes.

I currently have a Rose Potpourri listed in my Shoppe. You can see it here:
In addition, a rose and bergamot perfume oil that can be used as an additive for potpourri or as a perfume for you to wear. Find it here:

I can tell that My Summer Garden will be yielding a lot for me to work with for my Potion Section of the Shoppe. Be sure to visit.

Ahhh...yes, I finally have my laptop back and well again!!! Yay! I am so happy.....I now can get to those pics I promised regarding the Band and my City.

Be with you all soon.
Much Love,


Milady Leela

Friday, June 3, 2011

My Darling Little Laptop and Wedding Memories

It has been a little while since my last post and I do apologize. I had mentioned that I would be sharing a few pictures of my lovely city and a fun event that our band (The Sidewinder Band) participated in. darling little laptop has caught a very bad virus and so all my stuff, I shall say is not available at the moment. I have a good friend of ours who takes care of sick computers working on it right now. I hope to have it back soon and well again. I saw the most adorable wedding video of one of girls who's Blog I follow and it reminded me of my own wedding. My dear friend Donna who was also my Matron of honor, took this picture and made us this very special frame.

Here is a better close up of the picture. I LOVE this picture of makes me smile!

Ohhh.... our wedding was so romantically beautiful. I would marry him all over again!

Have a Beautiful Day.
Much Love,
Milady Leela