
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween


  It is finally Here!!!!
  Happy Halloween Everyone!!!! 

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Tea Time

Please.....Come in.  Join me won't you? After all, it is Halloween Time and what could be better than to join me for tea. I hope you will excuse me but first I must finish preparing a mixture that that I was working on. 

Come a bit closer,  you may be interested in this....

Well....a bit of this, a bit of that....

A pinch of this, a pinch of that...
I must create the perfect concoction!  Take a peek at these jars.....

Soon they will be filled with soothing herbal salts to remedy the ailments of one's body and soul.  The perfect little gifts to warm a heart and lift a spirit.....Ahhh now yes, we were going to have some tea.

Now where is that tea kettle?

Oh there it is! Now what tea shall we choose?

Let's have The Green Tea but we must also choose a tea pot for brewing....

Which one shall we choose?   Hmmmm, I think we should choose the tea pot with the pink lilies.
Finally, we must choose our many choices.

Take your pick...I will too. 
The time is getting late. I am glad that you stopped by!  You have such a busy day ahead since you will be stopping for tea at many other parties.  Please let Miss Vanessa know that I said Hello when you get to her place at I am sure she will be sharing a very lovely or perhaps spooky tea with you.

I must say Farewell for now  but I look forward to seeing you soon!!! Have a very Happy and Safe Halloween My Friends!!!

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Preparations For a Halloween Tea

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Much Love,
Milady Leela

P.S. Remember to visit also.  Miss Vanessa will be Hosting a Spooktacular Tea Party on her Blog with links to other Tea Parties too.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It Is That Time of Year Again!

Hello There My Friends,

Yes, it it that time of year again!!!!! Please join me for The 6th Annual Halloween Blog Party Celebration Hosted by the Lovely Miss Vanessa from afancifultwist.

All are welcome to join in on the Party!!!!! Visit here for more details if you dare please come back here to join me on Saturday!!!! It will be Spooktacular if you will!!!!!

See you soon and,

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Autumn Jewelry Show

Hello Friends!
Yesterday was my Autumn Jewelry Show at the Hopewell VFD.  It was a great time.  I met so many Lovely People and feel truly Blessed by the love I was granted there.  I would like to thank everyone that came out to the show and say that I appreciate you all so very much for making my day the Success it was.

I thought I would share some photo's of my Display at the show.

Also, one Beautiful Girl I met left me this sweet comment on my Milady Leela Facebook Page:

Her kind words truly warm my heart♥

I look forward to sharing my work with you all again at the next few shows that I have lined up.   I will keep you posted on them in them in the near future.

In addition, I want to mention that I have still yet to share another "Kitchen Spells" post with you soon.  It will be a recipe for Crab Cakes with Feta and Tomato Pasta Salad.
I also have a couple of books that I have been loving to share as well, so please stay tuned.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!!! Sending you Blessings and...

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Organizing My Closet

 Hello Friends,
A while ago, I had organized my closet which is very small and created a space that worked perfect for me.  As of Late, I have begun to rework some things and have now come up with what I think is even more functional for the space that I have.  Soon, I will be sharing photo's!!! Yay, I can not wait to show you what I have done!! I will probably do another video too. 
What I can tell you now is that I have come up with a really cool way to hang up my handbags...I love it so so much!!! I found a piece at the Thrift Shoppe that was made in India and am using it for my Handbags now.
LOL, no it is not a hook or a hanger of will just have to wait and see...Tee Hee!!! Also, I have taken something that I have had for a very long time that I no longer needed for it's original purpose, and am now using it to display and organize my belts..Oh I am super excited to share these ideas with you.  Please hang in there, I promise to have photographs soon.  This week is just so hectic, therefore, photographing and filming will have to wait...but it will be soon!!!

If you are interested in seeing the video of my Closet Organization from the is the link:

I would love to hear or see how you organize your closet space...leave me a comment or send me a photo.
Hope you are having a Beautiful Day...Blessings and...
Much Love,
Milady Leela

Monday, October 14, 2013

Kitchen Spells...An Herbal Cold and Sinus Remedy

Hello There Friends,  Seems like I had mentioned earlier that I had a couple of "Kitchen Spells" in the works.
Well, as of late, I have been dealing with a chest cold that has now migrated into my sinus'.  I am finally starting to feel better but still it is not completely gone.  In addition to all the, fluids and vitamin C, I concocted an Herbal recipe to help in my healing.  I have a vintage potpourri simmer pot that was gifted to me by my step-mom...this little treasure was the perfect vessel to use for this "kitchen Spell"!  So with that being said, I will share my recipe with you.

 ~Herbal Sinus Healer and Cold Remedy
A Kitchen Spell by Dena K. Miller

Ingredients as follows:
1/4 cup of of warm water
2 sprinkles of dried Thyme
1/2 tsp of lemon rind
3 leaves of fresh or dried eucalyptus leaves
a small pinch of fresh or dried mint leaves
6 drops of lemon essential oil
6 drops of peppermint essential oil
6 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
1 unscented tea light candle

How To:
Place all ingredients in the order listed into the potpourri simmer pot.
Place a tea light candle in bottom of simmer pot base.
*a green, blue or white candle is best for this purpose but you can use any color you have as long as it is unscented..
Light your candle and wait for the concoction to heat and simmer.
Next breath in the aroma of the simmer pot several times taking deep and cleansing breaths. 
Allow the ingredients to continue simmering until the water has evaporated or your candle has burned out.  If your water has evaporated before your candle burns out, add more water to the simmer pot.
It is important to let the candle burn out on it's own so make sure to allow time for this.

I hope that you are able to make it through the changing season without catching a cold, but if you do, give this a try.  It is truly very healing!

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Senior Moments

Hello My Friends!!!
My youngest Daughter Nicole was selected to be in the Homecoming Court in our Town this past weekend.  Jimi and I were so Proud of her!!!! Although she was not chosen as the Queen....The honor of being a part of the Court will be a great Senior Moment Memory for her.  I thought I would share several photo's from the Parade.

It seems like yesterday that she was just a they grow ups so fast!

Have a Beautiful Day and I will be back soon♥

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Gunpowder Green

Hello my Friends!!!

Last week I caught some sort of cold that began like an allergy then settled into a chest cold.  I am still dealing with it and feel so under the weather.  Singing is so difficult when you can not breathe properly and the voice is not at it's best goes on..
Anyway, I have had this loose tea on my shelf for a while now and thought that it would be a great time to use it.

Green Tea is so good for you!!!!  It has many health benefits. Tea in general has many health benefits over coffee...but I do have to admit, I can not give up my coffee.
So since I am really needing some TLC, I made my self a cup of this healthy hot beverage. I think I will sip it and try to rest.
Before I go, I want to mention that I have a few "Kitchen Spell" Posts coming soon!!! In addition, I found a lovely book in my Bookcase that I had forgotten about... It has all sorts of  beautiful photo's and information about herbs, essential oils and natural recipes.  I simply can not wait to share this all with you♥
Much Love,
Milady Leela

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October Blessings

I love this time of year....The Season has changed from Summer  to Autumn and there is a crispness creeping into the air. 
Sending October Blessing to all of you♥

Much Love,
Milady Leela