
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

E-Course~How to Create Teacup Candles Promo

 I have been working hard on creating and E-Course for the last Class I taught at The Teacup and Grounds.
The Class was about: How to Create Candles inside a Teacup using Herbs, Flowers and Feary Dust.  If you are interested in taking this course, you can let me know by leaving me your email address in the comments.
I will then send you an invoice and once your payment is processed, I will then send you the invitation in order to log into the class.
Please enjoy this promo video about our Class♥

Much Love and Light,
Milady Leela
*Course Fee: $25.00 US Dollars

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Inspired by The Abalone

I totally adore the look of the Abalone Shell! It is seriously So Beautiful and Magical Indeed.
With that being said, I decided to create a look on my Nails for this week's Manicure to remind me of this Magical Creation from the Sea.
I filmed a video to share the selection of polishes that I used to create this inspired look.

I think that the colors go very well together and I love the iridescent sheen that it creates.  You could also use a bit of a  frosted  Blue..."Trophy Wife" by Essie would be awesome with this look.  I thought of that after the fact so next time I do this, I will also add that color.

Here is a bit of Factual Information about the Abalone I thought you might enjoy♥

Also, who else has an Abalone Shell?  I use mine for different things at different times, whenever Spirit Calls me.

Sometimes I use mine to hold my Crystals, sometimes to hold my Wax Dipped Roses from The Rens Festivals that Jimi and I attend and other times, I use it for holding my Smudge Wands and such♥
What do you use yours for?

Hope you day has been absolutely Lovely!!!
Many Blessings and Much Love,
Milady Leela

Friday, August 21, 2015

The KISS Philosophy

Good Day Friends!
I have just completed a Menu for the Tea Shoppe! I really like the way it looks.

 It is very simple but that is how I want it to be.  One of the things that I have learned in my life is the "Keep it Super Simple" Philosophy.
"KISS" if you will!

I truly believe that this is a good philosophy to live by.
If you have not yet visited the Tea Teacup and Grounds on Facebook, you can do so here:

Sending you Love and Light and as always...
Many Blessings,
Milady Leela

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Kitchen Spells~ Today it is Stuffed Pepper Time

Hello My Lovelies,
It has been a while since I have been so much has been going on!
Jimi had to have a procedure done in the hospital that consumed us and my energy. Taking care of him is and always is my Priority so that is why I have been absent here.
We are home now and as he is healing, I wanted to create something for him that would be filled with positivity and goodness! He has been wanting Stuffed Peppers and today was the day for just that.
This Kitchen Spell is one that is simple and full of lots of Purposeful Intent for love and Healing.  I thought I would share with you some chit chat while I created it and have done so in a two part video.
Hope you enjoy♥
For other Kitchen Spells of mine, visit this playlist.

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Milady Leela

Monday, August 10, 2015

A gathering of The Spiritual Sisters ~ Creating Smudge Wands

A meeting of The Spiritual Sisters was called last evening. We had planned ahead to create Smudge Wands.
The girls were to bring a collection of Sage , either wildcrafted from their Herb Gardens or from the Market.  In addition, each was to select a Rose of their choice. I selected Red, to symbolize Passion in all that I do and my Zest and Love for Life.
This video will share the preparations for this Spiritual Gathering.

As the night came, Our Shannon and Tara, were not able to attend but Kristen and I carried on to create our Lovely Smudge Wands.  Kristen brought a sweet little gift for all of us...each was presented a mug that she felt called to purchase that spoke of our individual personalities.

I so adore the one she selected for me♥
Our completed Smudge Wands came out so Beautiful and Magical!!!

What do you all think?

So in Love with these and are super excited to have them dry so that we can burn them and say our Blessing Prayer.
 Our Gathering was absolutely Magical and just what we needed as it had been a while since we have been together.
Wishing you Much Love and Many Blessings♥
Milady Leela

Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Good Foundation

A good foundation creates solid boundaries both in physical and spiritual form. ~Dena K. Miller
May you have the most Magical always
Many Blessings,
Milady Leela
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