
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Autumn Blessings

The Autumn Equinox approached us this past Wednesday...and so the Wheel of the year has turned once again. Hoping that you all had a wonderful week and if you also celebrated Mabon, I hope that it was a lovely celebration for you.
I filmed a Video to share the Altar/Mantle in our home for Mabon/The Autumn Equinox and Thanksgiving this year

and one other Sacred Space in our home for this Season:

I would love to hear and even see how you have celebrated or decorated for this change in season or for the Equinox. Leave me a comment with a link if you will.

Sending you Many Blessings and..
Much Love,
Milady Leela

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hand-Milled Soap Making at The Teacup and Grounds

Hello Friends!

Last week our class at The Tea Shoppe was truly lovely and Magical!!! We created Hand-Milled Soap using a Goats Milk Base pouring method. Each of the Ladies took home a beautiful and unique block of soap that they crafted with specific intention that spoke to each of them individually.
Preparing for class consisted of placing all sorts of wildcrafted herbs and flowers as well as an array of oils out for the Ladies to choose from.
 In addition, I prepare gift bags for each of my Students to take home with them along with their completed projects.  The gift is a small treasure from the Tea Shoppe that is relevant to what we will be working on that evening. For this Class, I placed a tea light candle from my Magical Moments Collection into the gift bags.  My intent was that each of the Ladies will enjoy a nice relaxing bath using the soap that they have made while creating a lovely environment for themselves.

These photo's show our creations setting inside the chosen soap molds.

I can not begin to tell you how special each of our classes just need to see for yourself.  So if you are local to the area, I invite you to join us on a Thursday evening for Tea, Treats and Creativity!
No worries, if you are not local, as I will be sharing most of our classes as an E-Course that you can take online.

Message me if you have any questions on how to join in on the E-Courses.

You can find my Magical Hand-Milled Soap Block available for purchase in my Etsy Boutique

I send you wishes for Love, Peace and....
Many Blessings,
Milady Leela

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Gratitude Expression

Hello Friends!
I wanted to share a tip with you about how to Express Gratitude.  With The Autumn Equinox(Mabon) happening next week and Thanksgiving coming up in November, I believe that this is a good time to start journaling your thoughts and things that you are grateful for.
This tip is sure way to begin to change the way you look at things and will help you along your path to Spiritual Growth.
This video explains what I mean and how to do this simple but meaningful task.

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Milady Leela

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival

Yesterday Jimi and I went to the Rens Fest.  It is something we do every year.  We look forward to this Festival so very much and always enjoy our time there.  This year, we went with our Friends Robin and Roger. It is always fun to hang out with them no matter where we go! I did want to share a bit of how giddy Jimi and I get when we go tho this Magical Place...

It just can not be helped!!!! We also filmed a quick video after our lunch...visit here to check it out♥

Thanks so much for spending time with me here on the Blog today♥ I send you Many Blessings and...

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Creating Abundance Bowls

Our latest class at The Teacup and Grounds was "How to Create Abundance Bowls."
In this class, our discussion was how each one of us can begin to think differently in order to bring Abundance into our lives.  We also talked about gratitude and how it is interwoven with all that we do when it comes to the abundance we attract. The class was really awesome and I must say the best one as of yet!

I have a lot of plans for upcoming classes at the Tea Shoppe and if you read my past two posts, you would have seen the video's that express all that is going on in the near future.

Most of the events I have planned will be recorded so that I can put together E-Courses for you.
There will be a video upcoming for an E-Course on How to Create Abundance Bowls and Attract Abundance into your Life.  Please stay tuned for that and in the mean time, I do have two E-Courses already available.
1)How To Create Coffee Scrub
2)How to Create Candles in a Teacup

If you are interested in taking any of these classes, email me or leave me a message with your email addr. and I will send you an invoice.
Classes are $25.00 US dollars each.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

Sending you Love and Light and as always...Many Blessings,
Milady Leela

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

More Happenings at The Tea Shoppe

 Keeping Busy!!!
Save the dates...for more details, visit Facebook Events♥

Much Love,
Milady Leela