
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Meditative Intentions

Jimi and I were just recently gifted this Beautiful Photograph and I just had to share it with all of you.
My Friend who had gifted this to us told us that the photograph would speak to let us know where she wanted to be...and so she did!  She is exactly where she was always meant to be!

Much Love,
Milady Leela

P.S. This Photograph and a few other messages has reminded me of a new project.  I will be sharing a new series on my Youtube Channel in which I am calling...~Meditative Intentions.
I hope you will join me there.
This is the first video in the series...stay tuned for more to come♥

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

Hello Friends,

It has been quite a while since I have last posted.  We just celebrated the Spring Equinox in our neck of the woods.  It was a very cold and blustery day with snow flurries....but still, I know that the warmer and brighter days are on the way.  I have been busy with all kinds of things, Music, Video's The Tea Shoppe and Art.
If you have not yet visited my YouTube Channel, I have several new video's posted.  Also, not sure if I mentioned this but I have a Tumblr now too. You can visit me there at
If you have an account there, I would love for you to connect with me. As always, You can find me at
So I hope that you are well and looking forward to all that is to come with the change of the season no matter where you live.  Have a Beautiful day and I shall be back here soon.

Much Love,
Milady Leela

*Photo courtesy of Google images

Friday, March 11, 2016

Magical Soap Creation Epiphanies

Last Thursday I taught a soap class at The Tea Shoppe.  As usual, the class was such fun!  After letting my Soap Cure...I began the process of slicing my soap into the desired shapes.  It was then that I truly had a very Spiritual Epiphany happen to me.

Join me in this video as I talk with you about it while preparing dinner for the evening.

Hope your day has been absolutely Magical♥
Much Love,
Milady Leela

Sunday, March 6, 2016

She Wore A Wreath Of Roses

~Return to The Garden~
by Dena K. Miller

Return to the garden I am of thee.
My love, my world, my eternity.
I shall look for you there as I do in my heart,
the garden, our secret space is the place we do start.
Take my hand, I will give you a rose.
I will show you a love greater than anyone knows.

I wrote this poem on February 11, 2016 for my Husband as one of the Anniversary presents I gave to him.

Sending you all abundant Love and Light.
Have a magical Day Friends!
Many Blessings,
Milady Leela