
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Vision Boards and New Beginnings in The Planner for Ostara/Spring

Welcome Spring!!! It is officially here!!! The Spring Equinox came to us on March 20th and I am so delighted that SPRING is finally here!
As usual, I have created a a Vision board and a video of it's explanation to document my Journey.
You can view the Video here.

I have also been working on getting things ready for the Spring Trunk Shows that I have upcoming the first and second Saturday in April!
I will be offering all sorts of Paperie Lovlies in addition to Potpourri and Herbal Goodies. It should be fun...I love participating in the Seasonal shows.
If you have been following my work and would like to purchase something that you have seen...I can also ship to you so just let me know.

In addition, another planner Spread in the works is happening here:

I will be finishing this up soon and will share a full video on it also.

So tell me....what is happening in your world?

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Building Strength, Terrariums and Tassels ~ Southern Comfort Snail Mail

 This week's Planner Spread Vision Board is a representation of The Spring Equinox among other things.
I invite you to watch this week's Planner Clip and if you are inspired, please do join our Facebook Group.
below is a link to the video of inside my Planner♥
You will find a link to the planner group in the description box of the video.
I also want to share some awesome Happy Mail that came from South Carolina.  Thanks so much to the Lovely Meg of Elizabeth Story on Youtube for all of these lovely treasures♥

Have a Magical Week My Friends!!

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Beautiful Bundles~Tips and Clips Of The Day

Something I do with all of the cards received for a certain occasion or holiday is to bundle them together and tie them together with a lovely ribbon. I then tag the bundle noting the occasion and the year.
I keep all of these beautiful bundled memories in decorative boxes.
I think this is a great way to keep all of your precious cards organized.
It is also so much fun to open the boxes and look through all of the beautiful bundles.
I have a video on my YouTube Channel about this.

Also, I have added a couple other Planner Spreads for The Beginning of March into my Planner,.
To view of "Clip" of them...visit the link below♥

I hope you enjoyed reading and watching these Clips and Tips for the day♥

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Sunday, March 5, 2017

So Much Good Stuff
  Thought you might enjoy.
Much Love,
Milady Leela

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Moon Struck and Moving Things Around

I spent some time last week rearranging my home studio. Told you all I was Moonstruck and preparing for Positivity!!!! In my last post,  I shared this photo of my Planner Spread. The thought of Spring always makes me want to clean things up and release...bringing newness into my magical spaces of home.
So, with that being said.... here is what I have created, using the things that make me smile and make my heart sing♥

I am loving the coziness that I created. I am always so happy to be in this space and especially now.
Thought You all would want to see a peek inside my's the place where I create, dream and read.
Video tour anyone?

Just let me know♥
Much Love,
Milady Leela

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Visions of Spring~Planner Clips into Dreams of Spring

Dreaming of Spring has been the focal point of my Planner Spread over the past two weeks.
I am so inspired by all that comes with Spring....How about You?

In addition,  I am as always totally Moonstruck.  The New Moon energy is always a great way to prepare for all of what you would like to let go off and renew with Positive abundant energy leading up to The Full Moon.
Did you notice the sweet little Faery Desk in the upper right hand corner?
Adorable right?
Oh how I love the excited to prepare for them in my gardens this season.

If you are interested in joining in the fun with sharing your Planner/Vision boards...Join me here:

I would love to have you with us!

Also, check out my Planner Playlist on Youtube for all sorts of ideas and vids on these recent Planner Clips.

Sending you Much Love and Many Blessings!
Milady Leela