
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

These Fanciful Feathers!!!!

Working on more Paper Feathers to add to the Fanciful and Funky Collection of Paper and Lace!  I started with metalic paper and now much more to do though.  The next step is to embellish them.  Once these are complete, these fanciful feathers can be used to decorate your home in so many fabulous ways!!!!!
Visit my "Paper and Lace" Group on Facebook for more yummy paperie projects here...
My Paper and Lace Group Shoppe
#miladyleeladesignstudio #miladyleeladesigns

Sending you...
Much Love.
Milady Leela

P.S. Visit me on Patreon for Exclusive Content posted on Each Monthly Full Moon.
I would LOVE for you to consider joining me there as a part of The Faerie Stardust Tribe.
You can join the tribe for less than your favorite cuppa per day.
Hope to see you there!!!
Dena Miller/Miladyleela on Patreon

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Food, Friendship and Antiques~Miladyleela

What a Lovely Place!
 Great Food and this adorable vintage like little diner!

The Menu Selection was many choices!!!  I always seem to stick to my favorite breakfast...scrambled eggs, crispy turkey bacon, home fries and toast.  Most times it is rye, but this day I opted for italian from one of the local bakeries.

Next up after our meal, we went to a fabulous little antique store.  I did have photo's of some of the store but must have mistakenly deleted them.  I do however have the video below so that you can see all of the lovely treasures I came home with.

Antiquing Haul~Food and Friendship  Video sharing all of the treasures from the day!

Sending you Much Love and Many Blessings,


Milady Leela

Sunday, July 1, 2018

It's the little things~

It's the little things that make me happy...and you?

I found an antique store the other day while enjoying food and friendship with a very special friend.
There were so many treasures to look at.  I did bring home some lovely things and will be sharing them in a video with you on my Youtube Channel.
If you have not yet subscribed, I would love it if you did!
Milady Leela on Youtube

Please make sure to hit not only the subscribe button but also the bell so that you will not miss out on any notifications.

I am planning to release the Antiquing video soon and would love for you to join me to see all of the treasures I found.  Also, I will be sharing some more photo's of the day here on the blog.
Be back soon!

Have a Magical Weekend!

Much Love,
Milady Leela