
Monday, April 29, 2019

Fly Free Little Birdie~Miladyleela

This little birdie.
We have no idea how he found his way in but we had to help him find his way out. Jimi was able to guide him out with such patience and respect. It's the little things that I am so grateful for on so many levels.
Join me by subscribing as a Patron to hear more about this on My Manifestation Monday Podcast.

Miss A~ Miladyleela

Have you visited this online shop?  I love it...catch this video to see all this goodness!

Look What Came in the Mail!


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Peonies~Miladyleela

The Easter Bunny (aka my hubby) surprised me with thisπŸ‡
Pink Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. Many years ago at my first home, Pink Peonies lined the entire back wall of my house. It was so truly lovely. They had been planted by the original owners and left there. I was delighted beyond a doubt!
Since then, I have been dreaming of having Pink Peonies in my back yard and now, that dream has manifested. The Universe always provides in it's own time. Yes, I know that I could have had Pink Peonies so much sooner but the priority was not that high. So with that being said, the timing was just perfect and now I will have these beautiful and very magical flowers in my backyard along with the memories that are yet to unfold as each flower opens It's beautiful and unique self.
Happy Easter to you and yoursπŸ‡
Much Love,

*Thanks Baby, @jimi_miller I love you!!!