
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Date Night!~Miladyleela

Jimi and I had a date night last night and it was so much fun! I just dropped this video to let you all know where we were going and to share my OOTE with all of you! Have the most Beautiful and Magical Day!
Catch it here!
Much Love,

Saturday, February 15, 2020

This Magic~Miladyleela

Jimi and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary on Valentines Day....

I told him, "Today even more than the very first day!
My Valentine.....Happy Anniversary💋
We had such a great day sharing our time together and continuing our Memory Making!
I hope your day was wonderful too!

Speaking of Memory Making, check out my IG and follow me there if you are not doing so already.
Visit my Enchanting IG World here:
Much Love,