
Sunday, March 29, 2020

YOU GOT THIS!!!!! ~Miladyleela

Happy Sunday! Hope you are all well and practicing your Hygge! How many times have we wished for that? As my Jimi always says..."Be careful what you wish for"

Anyway, I am most certainly making the best of the situation. I did a Livestream yesterday sharing my handmade treasures...did you happen to see it?
Also, I just got an email today that my new Planner has shipped and is on it's way!!! I can not wait to share it with you all!

May you find blessings in the day today and moving forward. Know that there is always calm after the storm.

Ride like a badass! You got this!

Much Love,

Much Love,

Saturday, March 14, 2020

With Love, Faith and Hope, Fear Not!~Miladyleela

...And like the Lotus, we too shall survive.

Much Love,

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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Spread The Word~Miladyleela

May your day be filled with all things Beautiful!

Much Love,