
Monday, November 28, 2022

It Has Begun~Miladyleela


Just the beginning but looking forward to the decorating process.

This year, we decided on our rustic thin tree to don the living room lounge.

Our white tree will go in my wardrobe and be dressed in hues of pink and gold.

Our tiny tabletop tree will as always go in our bedroom on top of the fireplace and we are hoping to make room for our large tree in the Magical Kitchen.

Last year she looked so beautiful there but this year, as most of you know, I have acquired a gorgeous rolltop queen desk.  I will need to move it a bit to see if I can still place our tree in that area of the kitchen.

If the measurements do not work out, the plan is to put our tree in the studio lounge.

Originally,  I wanted to place the tree there but we really do not spend that much time in that room as compared to The Magical Kitchen.

So, fingers crossed! Gonna try and work some Magic!

Much Love,



Friday, November 11, 2022

Miladyleela's Wardrobe~Miladyleela


Yesterday was the perfect weather for a furry vest and Thrift Shopping.

Hope your day was full of all good things.

Much Love and Many Blessings,



Wednesday, November 9, 2022

It is Pie Making Season Again~Miladyleela

 I adore making these sweet lil pies!!!!

