
Monday, January 23, 2023

Today is...

 Today is National Handwriting Day. Perhaps you will consider penning a note to a special friend or family member then sending it off via snail mail.

Or... maybe you will pen yourself a love note? Oh would not that be nice?

Also consider picking up your journal or treating yourself to one today, then write down whatever come to mind.

No matter what you choose, penning your thoughts is a great way to express practical magic into your world.

Give yourself the gift of magic by expressing yourself on paper.  There are so many options, from choosing your favorite pens, markers etc., to finding the perfect journal or paper type that you love.

Enjoy the day and express yourself!

Much Love and Light,



Sunday, January 22, 2023

Kitchen Spells~Open Faced Baked Chicken Salad Sandwiches~Miladyleela

These easy-peasy sandwiches were so yummy.

I placed raw spinach on top of mine along with tomato underneath. Jimi had his with just the tomato.
To make this you can mix up any favorite chicken salad recipe you enjoy. Ours was chicken, celery, and onion mixed with mayo. I then topped each open-faced slice of a french baguette with shredded mozzarella cheese and then baked it until the cheese melted at 350 degrees in the oven.
To serve it up, I chose Chips and Taki. 
It was the perfect meal for something quick and or to use up some leftover chicken salad.
On a side note, I usually add dried cranberries to my chicken salad, however for this recipe, I did not.
Give it a try and I hope you enjoy it!  Let me know your thoughts about the recipe if you do make it for yourself and or your family.
Much Love,

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Scheduled on My Youtube Channel


Hi Everyone....Just a heads up, I have a lot of videos ready t post towards the end of the month! Stay tuned and please subscribe if you have not done so already. Also, make sure you hit bell notifications so you don't miss a single video! xoxo, ~Dena

Monday, January 16, 2023

Red is for Lovers, Vampires and Faeries too!~Miladyleela

 Jimi and I have been binge-watching True Blood and we are in is so awesome!  We started watching it years ago but had not subbed to HBO until toward the end of the show's run.

It is now on Netflix which we have so we were able to start from the beginning.

Since we started watching, I have been doing a lot of research on the cast and crew. I am so curious about all the behind-the-scenes and things.  My word of the year by the way is Curiosity and my oh my, have I been curious about this and so many other bits and bobs.  

How about this...I adore this dress!

I think it is from Dollskill.  I do have a similar skirt and could pair it with a black tank and heels. I will have to experiment to see how it looks.

Also, I am working on a DIY LampShade for my Antique Vase style Lamp.  This is my inspiration and shade of my dreams...

I found a lampshade curbside last summer while taking a walk, actually, it was a crystal lamp with a shade. I disassembled the lamp to use its parts and was waiting for a new lamp to manifest for the shade.

I thrifted the most beautiful lamp with hues of green and cream and rosed hand painted on the center focal point.  I filmed a video sharing her a while ago.  As soon as my DIY project is complete, I will share photos here on the blog.  Now, If I am to manifest the shade of my dreams at the thrift...well, I will just use that instead of taking the time to create the above!

One more thig to mention, My shade will probably not be Red even though I love the color. I am thinking pink will match better with the roses on the lamp.

Tis the season....Red is for Lovers, Vampires, and Faeries too...I resonate with all three but Pink will be the color of the lampshade, if not, you will find out anyway.

Much Love,



Before the night is through...listen to Bad Things..

*True Blood and girl-in-dress photos courtesy of google

* Lamp shade photos courtesy of Amazon

Valentine's Day Inspo~Miladyleela


Hi Loves,

I wanted to share a playlist I just put together for Valentin's Day Insp. 

Valentin's Day Inspo Playlist for you to enjoy.

Let me know which vide is your favorite!!!

Sending you Love and Light,



Saturday, January 7, 2023

Happy New Year...Journal workshops resume~Miladyleela


Join me for the first of the new year journal workshop resuming on January 9th. at 8p EST.

Go to Livestream here.

See you there!

