
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Treasured Memories

Today I spent time with a very dear friend. We had breakfast together and then decided to go to our favorite thrift store. We both had a great time shopping and found some cool things. She bought several shirts and I found an awesome dress, a wooden tray, a porcelain owl figurine and a vintage small green bottle. What Fun!!!!

Before going into the store, we discovered a very old cemetery behind the building. We decided to go in and take a look at the old Headstones. For some, that might be kind of strange but we were interested. A snake had been lurking near one of the stones and was just as scared of us as we were of it. "Ha, Ha, look it is a Sidewinder", my friend said. Many of the stones were very, very old dating back to the 1800's. It is amazing to think about that. The history of it all...the people and and what their lives were like back then.

My grandparents on my Dad's side have passed has been many years now, but they were born in 1901. I was 12 when my grand-mother died. I was very close to her and my grand-father. I have so many special memories of them that I treasure. I think of them often and remember those times. I have inherited two portraits of them that I absolutely treasure.

The portraits and my memories will remain special to me always.

Today was one of those days that I will treasure as my friend and I had a great time... together sharing breakfast, coffee, shopping and friendship.

Much Love,


Milady Leela


  1. What a beautiful, beautiful post. Thank you so much! We lived behind a cemetery when I was a teen and it was always my quiet, reflective place. I don't think it's weird at all xo

  2. Thanks so much for your comment Kerry
    ♥ Dena
