
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happenings In My World

Oh my goodness!!!! So many things have happened this week! To begin I was interviewed by a reporter from our Pittsburgh Area News Paper in regard to my YouTube Channel work.
The article can be found here:

Second...My lovely Artist Friend Robin and I had a business Meeting and Lunch to purchase and discuss plans for our future projects.  The shopping was so much fun!  We both purchased lots of supplies for our studios.
 I came home with beautiful Chiffon Ribbon, Silk Butterfly's and Flowers. Robin's purchases were lovely ornaments to use in her doll making.
Have a look at her website here:

Our Lunch was at the Spaghetti Warehouse. We both enjoyed a yummy salad of mixed greens and grilled vegetables. I just love the cozy atmosphere there...

 Robin  had never been there before and is anxious to go back!  We plan on meeting once a month...I am up for that!! We have an Art Event to plan and prepare for and as always, it is great to brain storm and be inspired by people you admire!

In addition, our friend Bob has joined the Band as our new Bass Player. His had his first Gig with us this week...he did great!!! He is such a good fit for our Band and we are so happy to have him with us!

Lastly and Sadly this week, My Husband and my son Justin were terminated from the Company they worked for.  Jimi, had been there many, many years and was the Director of Marketing, Justin also worked in the Marketing Department as a member of Jimi's team.  Unfortunately for them, the company restructured and their services were no longer needed.  I do believe however, that when one door closes, another one opens!  There must be better thing in the works..The universe is making a few changes I'd say.

Before I go, I want to also share a video with you that I just posted.... It is a sneak peek of more to come.

Hope you have a great week ahead!
Much Love,
Milady Leela


  1. hey lady! yes it was a fun and productive day.. soon as I settle on a name, we can begin promoting this show! it's gonna be a good one with top notch artists from around the country and even some out of it! thanks for the plug, loved your article!

    1. Thanks Robin! I am really looking forward to promoting the Art Show with you ! I think it will be very successful and a lot of fun too. You are so welcome about the plug to your are amazing!!

  2. Hi there, Dena! Well, that's a mix of good news and bad. I think you're right about doors closing and opening and that a change doesn't have to mean something bad.
    Congrats on the interview! I didn't know about these videos. I'll have to go see some. The one thing I miss about England is the big range of charity shops, which are in the centre of town and very well attended. Maybe I should go look at some more Goodwill stores?

    1. Beverly, I agree that if you have Gooddwill stores in your area, you should visit. There are so many great things there..inexpensive and also the money spent helps others. It is truly a win, win situation. Thanks also for your support, I do believe that things happen for a reason so even though something bad happened, a good thing will surface out of that. Lastly, there is a world of video's geared to shopping hauls. One can learn so much about what products are out there and where. It is fun to watch and can become so addictive watching.
