
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dinner With Friends!

Once again and as usual it has been a very busy week.  November is here and it is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner!  We had the opportunity this past week to have dinner with some great we all are in my friend's kitchen.

We had so much fun!!! Dinner was amazing too!!!!

Thanks to our fabulous Hostess and Host... The Costanza's

For those of you that remember, Jimi and I played music with Marty and Mike a while ago when they were part of our it was really nice to get together...of course we played music after dinner.

Below is the final Williamsburg Va video...Please enjoy♥


Be back soon...Peace

Much Love,
Milady Leela


  1. It does seem a little crazy that Thanksgiving is right around the corner...(I'm still wondering what happened to summer). Looks like everyone had a great time at dinner :)

  2. Oh Michelle, it is crazy...looking forward to the lovely holiday season though. Yes, at dinner, we all had a great time! It was so much fun to get together with friends that we have not seen in a while♥
