
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Potpourri Garden

Hello There!!!! I am really super excited about Springtime!!! It is official on March 20th and I am hoping that the weather around here will be warming up soon.  I have so many plans for my Garden this year.  I intend on continuing to grow vegetables as I have been doing in the past but today, I would like to talk to you about my Potpourri Garden.   For those of you that know me and follow my posts, you know that I have always included plants in my garden to use in Potpourri or for Medicinal purposes. Cultivating these types of plants have been an interest of mine for many years.  My Dad was and still is an avid Gardener.  I originally was inspired by him.  When I was in my early 20's, my Dad gifted me this lovely Coffee Table book.

Take a peek inside at a few of my favorite pages.

I have enjoyed and treasured this book for many years and still reference to it for ideas and inspiration.
Last year, I found a couple of fantastic books at one of my favorite Thrift Shoppes that I also treasure. 

 These books have given me inspiration to create wonderfully scented gifts for giving.  I mention a couple of these books in this video:
Making Potpourri is an ongoing and year round thing for me.  I dry flowers and herbs by hanging them around my home, just waiting to be added to some wonderful concoction!

You will also find citrus rinds and even pomegranate skins drying in my home.  These are just a few of the many wonderful fruits that add to a gorgeous potpourri mixture!!!

This book is another great Thrift Shoppe find that has been very inspirational in guiding me with my Potpourri plantings...

I love growing roses as this is my favorite flower to incorporate in my blends.

Growing Mint is another favorite and adds such fragrance as well as healing qualities to a potpourri blend.  My Mint plants start here and cover the entire stone and fence walls...

such a lovely and fragrant site when it has taken over the space!
So, with Spring around the corner, I am anxious to get into the earth, to begin planting, and preparing for Nature's Bounty.  I simply can not wait!!!!

Much Love,
Milady Leela

Gardenmaster Food Dehydrator (Google Affiliate Ad)
Richards Homewares 2-Tier Bamboo Drying Rack (Google Affiliate Ad)
Bulk Event 65-70cm Roses - Peach - 100 Stems (Google Affiliate Ad)


  1. I can't wait to start gardening either! Your books are lovely. I'd be inspired even more so to create with the beautiful photos in each of these books. Happy Spring! ~Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle, I agree the books are so inspirational!!! Happy Spring to you too♥
