
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Doing This!

So as of Late, I have been very busy creating a new idea that I will be sharing with you today!
I am sure that you know by now that I have been on a journey creating my Book of Shadows as a Book of Spiritual Imagery.  This journey has led me to a path that I am not surprised about at all.  I have realized just how much I love working with paper, books and all sorts of ephemera. So with that epiphany and my love of working with Natural elements...I have decided to create a new line of Treasures available for purchase that I will be calling ~Magical Moments Journals de Junque.©
These journals will all be very different, each one of a kind and very different from what you have ever seen before.  I have listed this on my site Etsy as a custom order. So if you are wanting one, just let me know and I will do a commissioned order for you♥
Also, the Tags that I am creating are so much fun too.  These would be perfect to add as a decoration for packaging or even to hang somewhere in your home.  If you are like me, you have things hanging all over the place and everywhere.  Jimi is always running into it because he is so tall.
My tags are almost done, just need to punch the hole and add ribbons.  These are called Tags of Magique©
Created with harvested herbs or flowers from my apothecary garden.

I have a several photo's of the inside of my book on My Milady Leela Facebook Page listed in an album.
You can view it here:

These are all of the pages that I made before binding my book together.  I share how I did it in one of the video's I have in a Playlist on My Youtube Channel.

 If you have not seen the playlist that I have put together about my B.O.S. is listed below♥

If you have any questions about ordering a Journal, papers or tags, just let me know.

Have a Magical Day Friends.
Much Love,
Milady Leela

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