
Friday, January 13, 2017

This Week in the Planner~Spreading Love in The New Year

PLANNER Spreads in the making.
I am looking forward to Spreading the Love of this creativity at The Teacup and Grounds for my First PLANNER Workshop on Wednesday January 18.
If you are local, come and join me.
Visit this page for more details
I encourage you to create your PLANNER to be a Happy Place that you enjoy looking at.
When you do, you will turn to it daily as not only a place of inspiration, but a place to keep you organized and on track with your Goals.
I would love to see what you do with your Planner either in the workshop or in a photo. If you have an Instagram or Facebook, tag me with your photos.

Much Love,
Milady Leela


  1. Just just lovely! I need to find some more pictures to cut out so I can start my journal again!

    1. Thank you so much Laura!
      Oh yes...Do begin, it's a great way to express yourself and it's so much fun!! The best part is visiting it after a while and seeing all your beautiful work!
