This spot is always a quiet little get-away....my life has been so stressed lately...I need to get back to some peace. Funny, I was thinking today how life twists and turns and sometimes becomes so entirely hectic that you have no energy to even think about things anymore....you just go through the motions of everyday. One day, it all comes to the surface, a change is made or something happens...the stress ends and you can breath once again. I am so looking forward to that time. My saving grace is knowing that I am not the only one that has ever experienced this.
Looking forward to Valentine's Day!!!!!! My hubby and I celebrate our Anniversary. This year we are going to a new place to celebrate...It boasts to be very romantic...I'll post about it, you can bet!
Lastly, I went to see Camelot with my Family last Sunday.
It was an incredible performance. It touched me so to see the cast following their bliss...I am working on doing just that! Following my Bliss that is. Don't forget to follow yours!
Much Love,
Milady Leela
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