The other day I went thrifting!!!!
Yay, I found so many cute things.
I love the idea of recycle, reuse and repurpose so my experience was just the perfect cocktail to make my day!
I came home with some cool vintage beaded jewelry, several dresses and wicker baskets for Easter.
Of course I could bead my own jewelry but it is so much fun to have such vintage pieces that once belonged to someone else.
Once again, my love of recycling prevails.
Earth Day will be here soon and with that in mind, I am still thinking Green.
I am still wearing a Green nail polish and a sparkly glitter as a top coat. So sorry that I do not have a picture to post of it. I have been trying to upload it for hours and have been having some problems. I promise to post the picture if I can get it to upload. Geesh, I have no idea what happened with this picture! The others were so simple to post.

Lastly, I want to mention that there were auditions in Pittsburgh this last weekend for the show “The X-Factor” which is coming to fox TV this fall. Our Band had an audition and we were selected to go to the next round in Chicago with a golden ticket to perform for the show’s Producers. If we make the Chicago audition, we will be on the show competing with the other's selected. Simon Cowell will be a judge for the show! So totally cool!!!! Whatever the outcome; we, The Sidewinder Band is so honored to be chosen!
I will be keeping you posted….and if we do make the show, please watch!!!! Your support will be greatly appreciated! You can check out our Band site @ http://www.thesidewinderband.com
Much Love,
Milady Leela