Earth Day will be here soon and with that in mind, I am still thinking Green.
I am still wearing a Green nail polish and a sparkly glitter as a top coat. So sorry that I do not have a picture to post of it. I have been trying to upload it for hours and have been having some problems. I promise to post the picture if I can get it to upload. Geesh, I have no idea what happened with this picture! The others were so simple to post.

Lastly, I want to mention that there were auditions in Pittsburgh this last weekend for the show “The X-Factor” which is coming to fox TV this fall. Our Band had an audition and we were selected to go to the next round in Chicago with a golden ticket to perform for the show’s Producers. If we make the Chicago audition, we will be on the show competing with the other's selected. Simon Cowell will be a judge for the show! So totally cool!!!! Whatever the outcome; we, The Sidewinder Band is so honored to be chosen!
I will be keeping you posted….and if we do make the show, please watch!!!! Your support will be greatly appreciated! You can check out our Band site @ http://www.thesidewinderband.com
Much Love,
Milady Leela
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