I also received a surprise visit from a floral delivery man who handed me the most beautiful Lilly and Carnation bouquet. My Jimi….every year he gives me flowers; and each year, the bouquet is so beautiful! The Band mentioned my birthday so many times and did the Beatles “Birthday” song for me after midnight on Friday.
I got to see my Brother who sang with me on stage and my Sister – In –Law too.
My sweet little niece made me a cupcake and had it hand delivered by my Brother.
It was truly a fantastic weekend!!!!!
I also got the chance to post my Hammered Metal and Peal Bracelet in the Shoppe…..check it out @ http://www.miladyleela.etsy.com
Hmmm….was just thinking that last year for my Birthday, we took a train to Washington DC. How wonderful that was …my how time flies.
I still have yet to paint the Tinkerbell ornaments that Jimi gave me. Hmmm…new project.
One last thing to mention, I was finally able to get together with my friend Candy for a day of crafting….
I have started to make a pair of lovely Faery Wings. They are in the beginning stages, as I have to add paint, glitter, flowers, ribbon and any other embellishment that comes to mind. More pics of my finished project on that in the near future. I simply cannot wait to finish them and share them with you. Do stop by Candy’s blog for a peek at her finished Faery Wings…they turned out so pretty!!!!
Happy Day my Lovelies.
Much Love,
Milady Leela
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