I have been thinking for quite some time now about what I wanted to share for this year's Practical Magic Blog Party post. Before I begin, you can see my Last years post at this link:
...Anyway, I have decided that I what I want to share is a collection of thoughts and pictures that continue to inspire me and thus, bring Practical Magic into my world. Lets begin shall we?
Peace and Serenity are two things that are always are needed in anyone's world. Think of a dream land that you would love to escape to.

Now close your eyes and calm your mind.....you are now there.

Take a walk into the Enchanted forest, breath in the clean, crisp woodland air.

Take time to watch the lovely swans in all their beauty swim across the lake.

Next, light a candle and relax in the calmness of the shadows made on the wall.
Quite often, I think about my lovely Grandmother and how she created magic in her world everyday just by the way she lived her life.

One of the things that I remember about her was she taught me the beginnings of palmistry.

She would take my hand and show me what the lines in my palm meant.

That sparked me to do further research as an adult. One of these days, I will have to share more about my Grandmother and her beautiful soul. My love of gardening was first inspired by my Grandfather and later my Dad. Due to that inspiration, I now have my own garden.

I have mostly roses and herbs that I use for blending my potpourris and perfume oil potions.

My garden is really for medicinal and Aromatherapy purposes which to me is quite frankly, Practical Magic!

Believing in yourself and believing in love also creates Practical Magic. You may not even realize it but just those two things can be a spark to creating magic in your world. Once you believe in yourself, your world will open to so many things. So, with that, let's go back to the beginning.....think of a dream land that you would love to escape to...now close your eyes and calm your mind.....Make some Magic Happen in your world.
Much Love,
Milady Leela
P.S. if you are interested in my Perfume oils and Potpourris, please visit my potpourri and potions section in the Milady Leela Shoppe. This link will take you there.
or you can click on the Etsy button on the right hand side of my blog page.
P.S.S. Be sure to stop by and visit Anna at: http://frostedpetunias.blogspot.com
Our original Hostess to check out her Practical Magic post. I'll bet it is Magical, to say the least.
***Beautiful Elf Picture is courtesy of Google Images.
***Believe,Love Picture is courtesy of my dear friend Donna who took this picture of my wedding favors while at my wedding.