The Elves are busy, busy, busy working to get everything ready for Christmas...and so am I!!!! I have been working hard on making jewelry,headbands, Christmas ornaments and a scarf. On top of that, My work is soooooo super busy right now and The Sidewinder Band is rockin out...so yeah, I am very busy at the moment!!! It is all good though, I would not want it any other way.
My kitties are anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival...Zoey, Midi and Mr. Jackson!

They know that Santa will bring them treats and new collars. Soon our tree will be up and I am so excited for that!!! I mentioned in one of my videos that this year, our ornaments will need to be of the "unbreakable" kind as we have the new kitty....Zoey the baby. She is into everything so I had to keep that in mind for our tree decor.

It will be interesting watching her when the tree is set up..tee hee!
I found this picture of my daughter's and my grand-daughter from Christmas last year....Such great memories.

It was Summer's first Christmas! She has grown so much over the past year. I am so excited to see her reactions this year at Christmas...it is going to be so wonderful! Well, have to get back to work, so much to do yet. Also want to mention that I am trying to create another video for my Youtube Channel and hope to post that soon for you. Have a beautiful week!
Much Love,
Milady Leela
***Victorian Elves courtesy of Google Images
I will be adding another video soon that will probably be of my jewelry collection...in the meantime, I have posted eight videos from a Live Performance of my Band The Sidewinder Band...The Band and I hope that you enjoy♥