Friday, March 7, 2014

Spending Time and Time Spending

Today, I met for Breakfast with my Daughter Kelly and her Fiance' I call him my Son in law already...just love him and love him for her.  Anyway, we had not been able to spend time together in quite a while.  You know how Life gets in the way? Well that was the today, we made time to spend together and spent time!!!! It was really nice.!!!  Kelly will be turning 25 at the beginning of April and I am planning to have a very special Tea Party for her.  Looking forward to that! 

Hope you all are having a Magical Day!!!

Much Love and Blessings,
Milady Leela

P.S. I will be posting next about my experience with Nature and it's Beautiful Offerings...I invite you to come back to read about it♥ Xo


  1. Oh how lovely! You'd be a totally rad mother-in-law, so I am jealous of your SIL! Always love your funky outfits Dena, that coat is gorgeoussss!

    1. Aww Jennifer you are such a Sweetheart!!!! The coat is pretty was a yard sale find for $5 bucks!!! I adore it too!!! Love You!
