Last night, I used it to roll my hair for our Band Gig. I love the volume it gives to my hair and the curls are so pretty. If you have not tried hot rollers, I truly recommend them. I think you will like what it does to your hair too.
Also, I wanted to share my latest video that has been posted to my Youtube Channel..it includes information on cosmetic products, nail polishes and hair rollers.
Please subscribe to my channel too if you have not yet. I would really appreciate it. I am really loving being able to share information through that vessel as well as here on my blog.
I hope to be back very soon with a fun project tutorial for you and a new nail look.
Much Love,
Milady Leela
P.S. I have also posted two new treasures in my Etsy Shoppe. Stop by for a visit if you will.
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