Hello there my Friends! I have been consumed with Jewelry, well truthfully I have always been. I have quite a collection. So many of my pieces have been with me since I was in High School...which (Cough,Cough) has been a very long time! In addition to the jewelry that I design and create, I also still find pieces to buy. Is that a surprise? I think not. I know that many of you are like that too. I recently did some shopping and found a few pieces that I would like to share with you. Watch this video to see the lovely finds I found and stay tuned for another video soon.
In my next one I will share a mix of a few things that I know you will really enjoy also. You can visit me anytime at http://www.youtube.com/miladyleela for the most recent uploads. I would love for you Subscribe too....that would so make me smile!
Much Love,
Milady Leela
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