Then, Kim (the owner of our Spa) gave us the most generous gifts!!! Each of us were given a beautifully packaged gift which included spending money for the day and a special book of Promises and Blessings.
After snacking a bit and talking, we all piled in one car and drove to Stein Mart. We had one hour to shop there so we could still make it to the next destination before closing time. At Stein Mart, I purchased the most beautiful fitted blouse, two pairs of hosiery and a sweet skirt! The blouse is a cream color fitted button down with a scalloped color and black lace at the top. It is really sunning!!! The hosiery included a plain black pair and the second pair, a black with glittered gold. The skirt I purchased to go along with the blouse, is a swing, mid length, poly,rayon,spandex blend. It fits so comfortably and because I am short waisted, I can pull the waist band up higher for a really cute look! I had never been to a Stein Mart before...I was very impressed with the selection and quality of the store inventory!. Our next destination was Lush! Oh how I have been wanting to go there! I have always seen and heard about their products via YouTube and the catalog I signed up for, but have never been to an actual store. All I can say is OMG!!!!! Total Love at first site!!! I went a little bit crazy there and spent more than the money I was is ok though. I rationalize it by saying that both my Daughter's have a Birthday coming I can give them prezzie's from Lush that I know they will love! Haha..who else rationalizes like that? I know it is NOT just me..tee hee!
I can not wait to go back to Lush and experience more of it...we were a bit pressed for time and only had a half an hour before closing. I did get photo's though to share with you all.
Next up, The Cheesecake Factory for dinner!!!
Kim ordered appetizers for us to share..we had Asian lettuce wraps, spinach and artichoke dip with Pita chips and a special salad. Each of us ordered a dinner of our choice.
I chose a veggie Burger that was Totally Amazing and for dessert.....Kim selected three items. two of which were cheesecake and the third a type of lemon cake that was really rich and wonderful!!
Lots of food, I will say.....I was able to bring some home to eat for lunch today. It was just as yummy today as it was yesterday! What a Great time we all had!!!
Oh and look at these amazing deserts.....ahhhhh so so yummy!!!! I have got to go back there to sample them!!!!
I filmed a video of my OOTE...
...and of course, I will be filming a Haul to share with you the outfit I purchased and all my pretty little Lush goodies. I am hoping to do that today so I can post it before the end of the week. So, stay tuned for that. It was a great idea, we all concluded.. to have our Holiday Party after the Holidays. It gave us all something to look forward to and of course we were able to take advantage of sale prices at Stein Mart! I forgot to mention, that my skirt and blouse from Stein Mart was on sale, plus I got another 25% off on top of that!!!
Super cool! Watch my upcoming video for the will not believe it!!! Amazing Savings!!!
I would love to hear from you if you have gone to any Holiday Party or found some Fabulous Sales!!
Much Love,
Milady Leela
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