I have been collecting roses from my garden for a while now and have been drying them to create a lovely scented potpourri for my Shoppe. Of course, I will have to save some for myself. I have a weakness for potpourri. I think it is so beautiful, so natural and is amazing for the scent it evokes.
I currently have a Rose Potpourri listed in my Shoppe. You can see it here:
In addition, a rose and bergamot perfume oil that can be used as an additive for potpourri or as a perfume for you to wear. Find it here:
I can tell that My Summer Garden will be yielding a lot for me to work with for my Potion Section of the Shoppe. Be sure to visit.
Ahhh...yes, I finally have my laptop back and well again!!! Yay! I am so happy.....I now can get to those pics I promised regarding the Band and my City.
Be with you all soon.
Much Love,
Milady Leela
They look wonderful! And I bet they smell lovely too!
Thanks Jo and yes, they smell so lovely.