Friday, January 15, 2016

My Two Hands and Voice~Led By Spirit

Today is going to be a very busy day consisting of Art and Music.
I am working on a bringing to you Cinnamon/Clove Valentine Heart Ornaments. These are super lovely! Not only do they smell so good, they are embellished with Hand~Dyed Venetian Style Lace, Vintage Buttons and one other finishing touch that makes my heart go...swoon(hopefully yours too♥)
Stay tuned for more on these ornaments.
Also, I am feeling...."Painted Postcards" as I type this to you.
~Here is a bit about how I create.....I am truly led by Spirit and so what happens to be created is a gift that comes from Spirit! of course there may be times that I do have a plan in action but it never fails me that "Spirit" Leads me!
Interesting to think that I was just having a similar conversation with my Dad over Holiday of which he said that his work schedule was always lead by Spirit.
Daddy....I am your daughter, wink, wink!
Anyway.....I still have yet to finish the Valentine Heart Banners of which shall be ready soon♥
So stay tuned for that and photo's of my above ramblings!
Later enchanting world turns to Music for a Rehearsal of our Show tomorrow night.

Have a Beautiful and Most Magical Day my Friends.
Sending you Much Love, Peace, Joy and Many Friendships to Come.
Milady Leela


  1. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day!

    1. Thanks Laura,
      Yes indeed...Xo, and I hope your Day is Magical!!
