I have been very busy lately brainstorming ideas for the shoppe, my video themes and creating. Here are a few of the lovelies I have made over the weekend.

These sweet yarn ornaments will be on our tree this year.

I mentioned in one of my videos that we have a new baby kitty this year so all of the ornaments need to be unbreakable. In fact look how cute she is!!
Funny, yarn balls may get her excited but they are glued together so they wont come apart. They were so simple to make and I think they came out so cute. The feather earrings are gifts that I made for my girls but I am taking orders if anyone is interested just message me.
I also want to share that I have a book that is kind of a scrapbook/idea book if you will.. I use it to write ideas, place pictures of the things I love, recipes,fashion, beauty etc. I have been referring to it lately to gather my ideas for the holidays. It incorporates my planning of holiday menu's, and gifts ideas. I just love this table setting idea for Thanksgiving.

The pumkin votive is the sweetest idea...don't you think? Speaking of scrapbooks...I wrote this quote...
Your mind holds the scrapbook of your life, fill it with beautiful ideas and memories.
~~Dena K. Miller
I believe it is important to always fill your mind with loveliness and do your best to push out all of the negative. Life is all what you make it and you can make it beautiful if you choose to. Soon we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Take this time to reflect on what you are thankful for and think about things that you want to change in your life. As the year comes to a close, we now have the time to make a mental list of the things we want to be different. Think positive and realize the it is the simple things in life that can create a beautiful life. I love the book Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach..

It discusses what I am speaking about..Check it out and if you do please let me know what you think. I have read many of her books and treasure each of them. You can check out her website here: http://www.simpleabundance.com
Well for now I must be off....more preparations to take care of. Until next time, many blessings and....
Much Love,
Milady Leela
P.S. please visit my Youtube Channel and subscribe...I am creating videos regarding music,art and beauty...I think you will enjoy.