Sunday, September 26, 2021

Get my Kitchen Spell recipe for delicious Chicken Tacos on Patreon. Join the tribe here:
Recipe drops at 12:00am EDT
*membership begins at $1. Select a level or monetary amount of your choice.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

In The Wardrobe~Miladyleela

 Worked in the wardrobe today creating a new look for my vintage vanity/dressing table. I brought out the lamp that my mom gave me years ago and designed a more functional place to put on my makeup. I also organized my jewelry and began putting pieces aside for a jewelry sale.


The plans for a room tour and wardrobe sale are in the works.
Looking forward to sharing all this goodness with you soon.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Home Care Magic in the Making~Miladyleela

 Yesterday was a day for some home care magic.

I cleansed the Magical Kitchen and The Living Room Lounge preparing for the Autumn Season. I absolutely adore this season because of the four, I am one with the earth at this time.

The scents, the sounds and the sights of Autumn's gifts delight my soul and create a sense of peace within my entire being.

I will be sharing more of my sacred space of home with you in upcoming posts.

Today I bring you The Magical Kitchen.

 I will probably play with these photos also to share them in different ways with you here. For now, I do hope you enjoy and perhaps get some inspiration for your own sacred space.

Sending you so much Love 🍂

